A writer once described toilets as the window into the secret soul of a destination. Some believe a lot can be said about a place by its bathrooms/toilets. A lot can also be said about people’s behaviour in a given society by their toilets. Architectural designs for toilets have evolved since the last twenty years. So also has the social interactions surrounding the use of toilets. The complexities or otherwise surrounding the toilet mirror the ubiquity of the different names by which toilets are described. Some call toilets bathrooms, lavatories, loo; bog, khasi, thuner bov…You can add your own name to the list. Shitting can be more complex than you think. Forget how easy it seems to sit on your toilet seat in that en-suite apartment where all the rooms have private loos. It was not always like that. In the late 80s when 3 bed room flats had only one toilet and bathroom…my cousin can relate very well to this. Growing up, most middle class families lived in this k...